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Webinar: Accelerating EV Adoption by Managing EV Charging at Grid Edge: Are You Plugged In?

Are you ready to accelerate EV adoption? Are you ready to manage local grid constraints resulting from large-scale EV deployment, especially heavy EV fleets? As large fleets become electric and integrate with grid, the challenge will be how to ensure EV charging assets work in harmony with the grid in a potential future vehicle-to-grid or grid-to-vehicle arrangement. Integrating EV charging management with grid management systems will play an increasingly critical role in reducing grid infrastructure upgrades and maintain reliability and resiliency; also ensuring EV charging operators optimize their energy consumption, reduce costs and ensure their vehicles are charged when they need to be. Join us for a discussion on how to mitigate these problems and see a demonstration on how to approach solving these issues using the latest technology.

Key Topics:

  • EV Charging Management

  • Grid & DER Orchestration

  • Load Management

  • Infrastructure Resiliency

What does this webinar answer?

  • How can grid operators manage locational capacity constraints resulting from EV Fleets and improve grid reliability?

  • How can EV Charging operators optimize their energy consumption, reduce costs and improve depot resiliency?

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